Christchurch's City Mission is up and running at temporary premises at the Riccarton Club #eqnz
Our heart is damaged but it is not broken. As we cannot operate from our central city site we have found other places from which to work.
The office is now at the Riccarton Club, 66b Wharenui Road, Riccarton, and the phone number is . Hopefully later this week we also be able to access our e-mails.
Foodbank: Food parcels will be given out for as long as we have supplies to give. Distribution centres will be at 3.00 pm each day at the corners of:
· Wordsworth St and Durham St South,
· Bordersley St and Ferry Road in Phillipstown and
· Torlesse St and Kerrs Road
Walsh House Women’s Drop-in Centre:
Clients are urged to contact staff by text or phone . We are looking for a new home for this service.
Alcohol and Other Drug Services:
We are working to find suitable accommodation for these services and will let the community know as soon as we have been successful. Would clients and referrers text or phone the Mission on the City Mission number .
Budget Service:
Clients will be able to access this service at the Riccarton Club, 66b Wharenui Road or by other arrangement. Clients who usually come on Thursday will be interviewed from 1:00 pm Thursday 3 March.
Men’s Night Shelter:
We are unable to open this service at this time. Meals will be provided for our clients and also for women of our services, at the same drop off sites as for the Foodbank. This will happen at 6:00pm each day.
The public can help us by:
o Donating non perishable food to St Matthews Catholic Church, Jefferys Road, Bryndwr. The City Mission Great Opportunity Shop at 1 Durham St will also take donations of non perishable food or money.
o Donating money to the City Mission Earthquake Fund by:
o posting a cheque to Christchurch City Mission, PO Box 1032, Christchurch 8001
o phoning 0900mission
o donating online - website
o bank deposit to Christchurch City Mission 01 account, 03 3 01.
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