University of Otago Christchurch Campus will open for classes 14th March.
Recommencement of academic programmes on Monday 14 March
I am pleased to pass on the following information from your Dean, Peter Joyce. “Our overriding objective for the year is to enable our students to successfully complete their study.”
Academic programmes will commence on Monday 14 March with the following arrangements:
4th year medical students
You are to go to the clinical attachment to which you have been assigned. This will be the beginning of your second attachment.
Details regarding where you should go will be made next week.
5th year medical students
You are to go to the clinical attachment to which you have been assigned. This will be the second week of your second attachment.
Details regarding where you should go will be made next week.
Trainee Interns
You should stay on your clinical attachments.
Postgraduate Students
Please anticipate that your programme will begin in the week of Monday 14 March. Your convenor will be in touch with further details if necessary.
Nursing students
The Department will deliver one postgraduate paper on 9, 10 and 11 of March. You will be contacted individually to confirm this.
Physiotherapy students
You will continue to be contacted by the School directly.
Radiation Therapy students
You will continue to be contacted by the Department and clinical providers.
Medical Laboratory Science students
You will continue to be contacted by the Department directly.
Building update
Our major building still remains “yellow-stickered” and we have other buildings in the cordon which we are yet to receive official notification regarding their status.
Our library has suffered damage and we are talking with publishers of key textbooks and journals to see if they will allow electronic access to those which we do not currently have.
Text messaging
I am pleased to let you know that Vodafone have now credited the accounts of all students. As mentioned in the previous posting Vodafone have acknowledged this mistake and have apologised.
My continued thoughts are with you.
Warm regards
Peter Crampton
PVC, Division of Health Sciences
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